Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bikram yoga

Bikram yoga follows the order of 26 postures that works every body part. In addition to employing the muscles, all the internal organs, veins and ligaments involved. Bikram yoga is also known as Hot Yoga as it is ideally done in a room that has been heated to 105 degrees. The purpose of doing yoga in a hot room is to make palpable the body to the point where it becomes possible to form again. Bikram yoga is a combination of Western medicine and Eastern philosophy and is practiced by people of all age groups. As with other forms of yoga Hot yoga allows the body and mind to be shared, so that the overall welfare of students.

Bikram yoga in a hot room has an additional benefit. Anxiety is a common concern for a large number of individuals. When a person experiences anxiety continues, the body is flooded with chemicals from the brain. By doing exercises such as in hot environments, the body, through perspiration, flushes out toxins that have been trapped in the body. These waste products from the glands and organs are flushed away during yoga sessions. This cleansing affects every cell, allowing for the optimal functioning of every aspect of the body.

Increased stamina and flexibility occur as a result of practicing Bikram but one popular style of yoga is the result of weight loss. Doing yoga in the heat increases the pulse rate, causing the body to work to maintain thermo-regulation, which in turn escalates caloric expenditure. The result is more calories burned without exercise information.

When the core body temperature is raised, as long as the Bikram yoga session, the body's reaction is the same as it would if it had been exposed to infection. Production of white blood cells is elevated, such as antibody production. The end result is that the immune system is given a boost at the end of the Bikram yoga session

Bikram Yoga is similar to other styles of yoga that emphasizes the larger relationship between mind and body, but the added benefit of weight loss, increased immunity, cleanse toxins and makes it very unique.

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